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Before You Go Hiking With Your Cat

Before You Go Hiking With Your Cat

Before You Go Hiking With Your Cat

Observing all these cats walking on leashes, joining their owners on trails, and even hopping into canoes for a paddle might make you desire an adventure cat of your own, and that's fantastic!

However, before you attach that leash and venture into the great outdoors, we urge you to take the following factors into consideration:

Not every cat is cut out for adventuring. Even leash walking isn't suitable for every cat, so first determine if your cat is suitable for this activity.
Keep your cat indoors unless they are with you. Indoor cats tend to live longer because they are protected from diseases, wildlife, and busy streets. The same principle applies to the great outdoors. If you take your cat outside, make sure you are always keeping a close eye on them.
Consult with your veterinarian before taking your cat outdoors. Your cat should be in good health, up to date on vaccinations, and have received flea, tick, and heartworm treatments.
Buy a well-fitting harness and train your cat before venturing outside with them.
Always keep your cat on a leash. This is the best way to prevent them from wandering off, encountering wildlife, or getting into any dangerous situations like chewing on toxic plants.
Never take your cat outside without a collar and ID tags. Additionally, we highly recommend microchipping your cat for added safety.
Be prepared by packing essential items and knowing how to keep your cat safe on the trail.
Check whether cats are allowed on the trail before heading there.
Travel safely by having your cat in a carrier.
Pay attention to your cat's comfort level. Avoid forcing them into new situations that may cause stress, and don't push them beyond their comfort zone outdoors.
Use your judgment. Your cat may enjoy an easy day hike or a calm paddle on a lake, but they might not appreciate a challenging week-long hike or navigating Class IV rapids.
Remember, you are responsible for your cat's health, safety, and well-being. Never put your feline friend in harm's way. If you have any doubts about whether your cat can participate in an activity, it's best to let them sit it out and nap safely at home. Adventuring with a cat should enhance their quality of life, not jeopardize it. Please adventure responsibly.

If you're considering getting an adventure cat, we encourage you to adopt from a local shelter instead of purchasing from a pet store or breeder. By adopting, you can save the lives of millions of shelter cats. Choose adoption, not shopping.
